
Gold Star Families Call for Trump to Apologize

Donald Trump said had he been president at the time, Khizr Khan’s son – the U.S. Army officer who was killed in Iraq by a suicide bomber – would have still been alive.


Khan’s father spoke out against Trump last week at the Democratic National Convention, and Trump questioned whether Khan’s mother, who stood quietly next to her husband, had been allowed to speak.

Donald Trump continues to make comments about the Khan family that only seem to make the situation worse.

As Khan continued his speech, he addressed Trump directly, telling him, “You have sacrificed nothing and no one”. Trump criticized the Khans in an interview Sunday and again in some tweets Monday, saying he had a right to defend himself against accusations. “I can also tell you if you go to any national cemetery, especially Arlington, you’re going to see crescent moons there”.

But he outdid himself when he criticized the Muslim parents of a slain American soldier. “I can not emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement”.

Khizir Khan, who is originally from the United Arab Emirates, pulled out a pocket-sized U.S. Constitution, offering to let Trump read it after he said during his campaign to become the GOP presidential nominee he would consider a temporary ban on Muslim immigration.

But none have rescinded their endorsement of Trump, and Rubio said he wouldn’t, either – underscoring the ambivalence of many Republicans toward their standard-bearer this year, but also the reluctance of some to do anything to benefit Clinton’s candidacy.

Democratic pollster Paul Maslin said that while “ninety-nine percent of me says this is devastating for Trump”, Clinton backers can’t assume that another few days of bad headlines will sink a candidate who “simply defies all natural laws of American politics”.

“It is time for Donald Trump to set the example for our country and the future of the Republican Party”, he said. “We are a testament to the goodness of this country”, he said.

“I think demonstrating how much we respect and honor people who have served our country in that way is the course we all should take”, Corker said. “I work very, very hard”, he said.

Khizr Khan: “We want to maintain our dignity”.


But even as the Khans expressed their desire to leave the controversy behind, Trump responded to the criticism during the interview on Twitter.

Khizr Khan father of fallen U.S. Army Capt. Humayun S. M. Khan and his wife Ghazala speak during the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Republican presidential nominee Dona