
Gold Star families demand apology from Trump

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for USA president, accused Trump of scapegoating Humayun’s parents.


“My good wife has been insisting that I not respond”, said Khan.

Though Bradshaw disagrees with Clinton on several issues and has worked “to elect Republicans” for the last 30 years, she said this election is simply one of those moments when “country has to take priority over political parties”.

Both Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., released statements praising Capt. Khan and distancing themselves from Trump without mentioning his name.

The couple’s son, US Army Capt Humayun Khan, was killed by a vehicle bomb in 2004 in Iraq at the age of 27. Khan told CNN’s Jim Acosta on “State of the Union” that he hopes Trump’s family will…

That moment – when the father of a Muslim U.S. soldier killed in Iraq addressed Donald Trump directly – has been played many times over the past few days.

And the fact that Trump keeps fighting back is proof of his “ignorance and arrogance”, but later clarified that not to be an attack, but “his ignorance of the First Amendment”.

“This shouldn’t be hard”, Reid said.

“I don’t begrudge anyone of any other faith or of no faith at all, but I do tremble before those who would scapegoat other Americans, who would insult people because of their religion, their ethnicity, their disability”, she said in remarks at a church service in Ohio.

The outcry was swift and bipartisan, leaving Trump largely isolated among his fellow Republicans and potentially putting at risk whatever progress the New Yorker had made during his convention at winning over the independent voters who will likely decide the fall election. “I don’t know where the bottom is”.

“One doesn’t know where the bottom is”. “I was just talking to him, please stay safe”.

Khizr Khan, who was born in Pakistan and moved to the United States, spoke at the Democrat Convention in Philadelphia, telling the audience his son had given his life for the USA, but would not have been allowed into the country if Trump’s Muslim ban had been in place.

During the speech, Khan’s wife, Ghazala, stood quietly by his side. She had nothing to say.

Khizr Khan told CNN on Monday that “We want to be out of this controversy”. We are as concerned as Donald Trump is about the safety of this country. “They represent the very best of our country”.

“I don’t care what they say”.

Discussing her appearance at the DNC, Ghazala Khan explained, “I have done very well saying my mind out, but that time was different”.

Ghazala Khan added: “Donald Trump said he has made a lot of sacrifices”.

“Who wrote that? Did Hillary’s script writers write it?”

Across the country, veterans and their families closely watched the political back-and-forth.

“I claim no moral superiority over Donald Trump”.


Farner had just made a rubbing of the name of his cousin, Calvin Wilson, who was killed in action in February 1967. Khan’s speech at the convention eviscerated Trump for his anti-Muslim rhetoric and challenged him by saying “You sacrificed nothing and no one”.

Criticism grows over Trump criticism of Muslim vet's family