
Google ‘Alphabet’ Website Blocked In China On First Day

During the hunt to appoint a new Microsoft CEO, Pichai’s name was also considered as a possible contender.


Being the new chief, Google’s advancements in machine learning will also be under Pichai’s leadership and bring the power of supercomputers into smartphones.

To do that, Page and co-founder Sergey Brin are planning to give Google a new parent company called Alphabet.

Pichai was made the Product Chief making him nearly the second most powerful executive after Larry Page. This means that pretty much everything that makes money will be grouped together, under the care of Sundar Pichai, who has previously been in charge of Android.

In a filing with federal regulator Securities and Exchange Commission, Google informed about its organizational restructuring. He was tasked with the everyday working of all the Google’s major products including maps, search, and advertising. “Fundamentally, we believe this allows us more management scale, as we can run things independently that aren’t very related”, Page said.

If you don’t know Pichai, an eleven-year Googler and current senior vice president of products, you should get to know him: He’s going to be controlling a business, aptly named Google GOOGL, +4.10%, responsible for more than 98% of future parent company Alphabet’s total revenue. Google, the thing you use to search for stuff, is still known as Google, but will now just be one of Alphabet’s many businesses.

“It may not be quite ready yet”, Gillis said of YouTube.

“Heartiest congratulations to Chennai-born Sundar Pichai on being appointed CEO of Google”. The segmentation of Google divisions under the Alphabet banner helps the name fit too.

He added, “We will rigorously handle capital allocation and work to make sure each business is executing well”.

11 years ago, Page and Brin wrote in the original company founders letter that Google is not a conventional company and they do not intend on being one.

The California-based tech firm withdrew from China in 2010 over censorship issues.since last year china has blocked Google search and Gmail and they have been inaccessible.

He has really stepped up since October of last year, when he took on product and engineering responsibility for our Internet businesses.

The restructuring will attach semi-independent leadership to each of the Alphabet subsidiaries, with each operating as its own company, says Page in the blog post. And don’t forget (Google) Ventures and (Google) Capital, its investment arms that have taken stakes in companies like ridesharing service Uber and SpaceX, Elon Musk’s space exploration company. They include Google X, a research lab trying to master everything from self-driving cars to transmitting the internet in remote areas via hot air balloons, to (Google) Fiber, which provides superfast broadband internet in some American cities, to Calico, which is focused on making people live longer.


To prove a trademark infringement, a trademark owner would have to show that the new Alphabet created a “likelihood of confusion” among consumers between the two brands.

Google logo is seen at the Google headquarters in Brussels