
Google announces major restructure

Also alphabet will take over the shares of Google and Google will now be seen as a subsidiary of Alphabet. Techies around the world began dissecting the meaning of this new company, i.e. alpha and bet. Pichai also has firsthand knowledge of Google’s operations after years as one of the firm’s top executives.


In order to prove trademark infringement, a trademark owner would have to show that the new Alphabet created a “likelihood of confusion” among consumers between the two brands. But the name must not confuse customers.

Recently, it was Google who was left out of the cold as is having troubles.

BMW describes the domain as “very active” and has no plans of selling the domain.

Tech giant Google has gone through a lot of changes since its creation 16 years ago. Google CEO Larry Page wrote in a blog post on Monday. Some of these have been closely related to its core search and data activities but many have not.

But the notorious firewall of China has already blocked it. Google, of course is the largest company in the collection. Schmidt became the company CEO in August 2001 and remained in the role till January 2011 when Page took over as the CEO.

In 2004, Sundar Pichai was one of a small group of product managers, but his responsibilities escalated from working on new versions of the Google tool bar to overseeing the building of Chrome.

While this looks a little clumsy, the new move by Google, i.e., the formation of Alphabet Inc., is actually separating the popular search engine with ad revenues from the ventures that have yet to pay off.

According to NBC, Pichai is “depicted as an effective and reliable manager, able to navigate and get the best out of a complicated corporate structure, quietly maintaining and improving the company’s most valuable assets”.


This week the internet has exploded following the news that Google has reorganised itself under a new parent company called Alphabet. Each business will be run by a CEO whose strategies and activities will be monitored by Larry and Sergey. “We will rigorously handle capital allocation and work to make sure each business is executing well”.

Google’s New Alphabet Platform