
Google begins testing self-driving prototype cars in Austin, Texas

Austin, Texas, is the latest testing location for the self-driving cars, becoming the first non-Mountain View city to welcome the technology on its streets.


Since starting the project in 2009, Google has tested the software mainly in Mountain View, CA. The company said Tuesday two of its autonomous vehicles will be tested on roads in Austin, TX, as part of a push to gain experience with the technology in a broader variety of road conditions, traffic patterns, and environments. No public funds are involved in the testing, and the company is not providing any funding to local or state entities related to the testing. Instead, drivers in other cars or humans who were driving the Google vehicle have been to blame.

It stated that one must not count on to find driverless motorcars whistling past a favorite nightclub or Barbecue mutual downtown neighborhoods Austin. Safety drivers are aboard the vehicles in case of an “emergency”.

“When you take every single person that’s driving a vehicle 60 minutes a day and you convert them all to reading books, educating themselves instead of driving…and you’re preventing those deaths!” Neither Austin nor Texas Department of Transportation officials immediately replied to requests for comment. “Austin has always been extremely welcoming to Google and to innovation of all kinds, and we know we can count on Austinites for some great feedback”.

Also, Delpi, the vehicle manufacturer, is developing new tech regarding sensors, and soft-ware based on self-driving systems.

Google and different automotive producers and suppliers have stated the know-how to construct self-driving cars ought to be prepared by 2020. Google did not say exactly where the driverless cars would be tested.

Then there are some of the Google self-driving cars that look like the head of a robot that has fallen off and started driving around dubbed pod cars by many cruising in California.

A second self-driving Lexus will arrive in Austin later this week, the spokeswoman said.


Google recently began releasing monthly reports listing accidents involving its self-driving vehicles.

Google car in Las vegas