
Google confirms the newest version of Android is called Marshmallow

But Google has thrown Android-naming curveballs before.


So far these are the latest feature that was revealed about Android Marshmallow, we hope to see more info as its release date draws near. Along with the new name, the new developer preview is now available as well as the new SDK 6.0 for developers.

As suggested by Digital Trends, Marshmallows could be one of the potential names.

The speculation as to what Google will call the next version of Android, to date being known as ‘Android M, ‘ is over. Not until today did we know that “M” would stand for Marshmallow, and that Android would graduate to version 6.0.

Stagefright vulnerability in Google’s Android operating system has been in headlines recently due to the fact that a large number of (1 billion+) smartphones are vulnerable to this attack.

While it’s commonly believed that Android’s big software releases were originally named after desserts (Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo) and later evolved into other sugary goods, turns out that was never actually the case. The company recommends that people releasing a Marshmallow compatible app roll it out as a beta test first before deploying an update to all of their users. Your best bet to get the new version…will be to buy this year’s latest Nexus.

You’ll find fingerprint scanning in a few Samsung phones because they incorporated it into their own layer of software, called TouchWiz, that runs on top of Android. Try out a Nexus device, Vanilla Android is just purely awesome.

The upcoming version of Android will come with a suite of improvements, including improved battery life, more control over app permissions and Android Pay, Google’s new mobile payments platform.


Developers will be able to download the Android 6.0 SDK through the SDK Manager in Android Studio, offering the final Android APIs and build tools needed to target API 23.

Google teases Android M's future moniker in new video