
Google, Dashlane Developing Open Login API for Android Apps

Open YOLO promises to address that issue so people don’t get frustrated and give up on improving their cybersecurity.


Security breaches related to password issues are the most common and risky threats. There’s plenty of advice out there about how to make passwords more secure like not reusing them across sites, choosing longer passwords, using special characters, and so on.

OpenYOLO, which stands for “you only login once” is an API project for app developers to access passwords kept in password managers, including various types of password managers.

Unsurprisingly, OpenYOLO will start by targeting Android. “When a user reaches the login screen it would directly query Smart Lock for a credential”.

It’s also notable that the Google software engineer who worked on Smart Lock has also been involved with OpenYOLO.

“In the future, we see this open API going beyond just Android devices, and becoming universally-implemented by apps and password managers across every platform and operating system”, said Dashlane community manager Malaika Nicholas in a statement put out by the company. Open YOLO looks like it would streamline this process by automatically linking up logins for participating apps with users’ password manager of choice.

While Dashlane and Google are the founding members of this new partnership, they will also be working with other password management services.


“This is an important initiative for our industry and for the state of user security”, said Emmanuel Schalit, CEO of Dashlane. The app is available on PC, Mac, Android, and iOS, and has won critical acclaim from top publications, including: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.

Google and Dashlane unveil Open YOLO: Android API for password managers