
Google Doodle Celebrates Rio Olympics With A Fruity Take On It

Today’s Google Doodle leads you to the 2016 Doodle FruitGames, a collection of free mobile mini-games.


Google explains that you can enable automatic updates on events, medals won and more exactly when you search for information on the Google app on Android or iOS.Furthermore, in order to capture 360 imagery of the place, you can get used Google Street View Trekkers into the Olympic Park.

But that is indeed what Google has prepared for us lucky citizens of the world.


Rio Olympics will begin starting today, i.e August 5 after the cauldron is lit, which signifies its initiation. Moreover at the end of the doodle, you will find that Google has also released a game, just like in the doodle. On tapping the Google Doodle users would see a total of 7 games that includes tennis, swimming, racing and more. The doodle has an Angry-birds like animation where it introduces the characters that will be taking part in the Fruit Games. Few of the available games can be played using clicks, and some can be performed by using the sensor. The doodle is basically a video with the fruits in play.

Google Updates: Bringing you live stream and schedule for Rio Olympics 2016