
Google ‘Fortunetelling’ Brings Attention to Europe’s Refugee Situation

Users are invited to ask any question they may have about their future while Google examines old search data in an effort to try predict your future.


TODAY, GOOGLE HAS launched Google Fortunetelling, a tool that claims to be able to tell you your future.

Are you curious enough to know what will happen in the near future?

The Fortunetelling site cleverly tricks its users.

The questions are about where they will be relocated, if humans will ever stop fighting wars, and whether they will be reunited with their families.

The app says, “With our latest addition to Google we try to experiment with fortune-telling”.

Don’t be disappointed if there is only one answer to all questions regarding your future- “OF COURSE WE CAN’T PREDICT YOUR FUTURE!” So we used a fake Google-site to get your attention because apparently you were interested in your own future. But it’s not what you’d expect. It is truly miserable that those refugees don’t even know whether they will ever be accepted by the normal world without any sort of discrimination. The site simply matches the user with charity organisations where they can donate money. Google has initiated this Google Fortune telling awareness campaign on the ongoing migrant crisis in Europe.

Further links show the images and videos related to refugees from war-torn Syria and other conflict-ridden areas of Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, and Libya who have been migrating to Europe in search for a better life.


If this makes you want to do something, anything in your personal capacity, Google fortuneteller has brought various ways to help the migrants.

Google Fortune Telling- Predict my future