
Google Home – Google Creates Amazon Echo Rival

It was greeted with enthusiasm with the audience at Google I/O and in his closing remarks Mario Queiroz hinted that there would be a lot more to share with the developer community about how to begin to integrate with the Google assistant.


Google has been using artificial intelligence for speech to text search, Google Now, and other important parts of its core software. It will apparently challenge the Amazon Echo speaker which was launched by online retail biggie Amazon two years back. The new product is called Google Home and it works in conjunction with another new “virtual product” called Google Assistant that listens and answers your questions.

According to the details shared by unidentified people aware familiar with Google’s plans, the Google home device will likely hit the markets in fall this year.

“We think of it as a conversational assistant, having an ongoing two-way dialogue with Google”, said the company’s CEO Sundar Pichai during the I/O 2016 keynote on Wednesday. “[We’re] building each user their own individual Google”.

If it sounds similar to Google Now and Voice Search, that’s because it’s built on the same principles.

One main goal of Google Assistant seems to be taking on Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and Microsoft’s Cortana.

Google Assistant can be brought up from wherever you are to help you no matter what you need or in what context you need it.


Google just announced a voice-activated wi-fi speaker that works very much like the Amazon Echo, except of course it is powered by Google. The device streams music, as well as connects with other smart-devices such as lights and Google Nest, allowing the users to control them via voice. On the plus side, also unlike Amazon’s home-based AI hub Echo, Google Home will come with a number of design customization options to match your particular style of décor.

Cameron Glover		@BlkGirlManifest