
Google keeps us guessing with Android M tease video

In a new video uploaded by Googlers Nat and Lo – who recently started their own YouTube channel highlighting Google’s 20% Project – they’ve created a fun little music video about Android M and what the next name will be.


There have been all sort of guesses since the codename was revealed by Google and now the company (Google, Alphabet… call it what you will…) is starting to tease us with name suggestions. Or any other sweet concoctions but really the point is Google has essentially whittled down the choices to two – M and white and both are sweet to the taste.


One thing is for sure, though. Until then, let us know what you think the final name of Android M will be, okay? “This has led many to believe that the next Android operating system is Android Marshmallow”, the report said. They’re saying it’s a hint of what’s to come in their next video, so we’ll definitely keep our eyes peeled. (M, of course, is the first letter of the upcoming software’s name). The statue appears to be the cylindrical shape of a regular Android, with two smaller cylinders as legs, leading many to speculate that Android M is indeed going to be Marshmallow. Last year, “Android L” became Android Lollipop in October, and the timing for “Android M” should be similar too. While we are still at the guessing stage, a new teaser video from Google employees Nat and Lo indicates that we are getting closer to finding out.

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