
Google launches Android 7.0 Nougat, Nexus devices to receive it first

With the latest Android OS, users will experience customization feature and efficient battery usage.


Yesterday Google officially began rolling out Android 7.0 Nougat to select devices.

As always, if you’ve got a Nexus phone or tablet, you get Nougat first.

How to force your Nexus Android 7.0 Nougat update – Every time such a new version of the Android mobile OS is released people look for ways to forcing its download, and so Nougat is no different. The blog post went on to say that the update will also allow devices to run two applications simultaneously in a split-screen view.

Google said in a statement that it could take “several weeks” for Android N to rollout to all users-so just have faith if the update prompt doesn’t show up right away. You can also reply directly from notifications, something that iOS has actually had for longer than Android.

So the first phone on Three to get Android Nougat will probably be the LG V20.

Good news Nexus users – you will be the first users to receive the upgrade to Android 7.0 Nougat.

This Brand New Operating System Coming With Interesting Features. Unfortunately, Google has changed things a bit so there are no new Nexus devices.

On 22 August 2016, Google confirmed the roll-out of the final release version of Android 7.0 Nougat.

Google has also added 72 new emojis to help liven up your conversations, including a new gorilla emoji so we won’t ever forget Harambe.


Sony has released a list with all of its devices that are expected to receive the update to Android 7.0 Nougat. Those include Multi-Window Mode on phones and tablets, the ability to rearrange Quick Settings tiles, and bundled notifications to save space in your notification tray when one app is sending you a bunch of alerts.

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