
Google Photos video takes jab at 16GB iPhone

Even though September happens to be the month Apple might plan to rid itself of the 16GB iPhone, it’s still a long way off in the future, and Google has decided to make use of the opportunity to create a fanciful Google photos advert that displays the “free up space” feature. With the size of photos, videos, apps, music, movies ever increasing, many iPhone owners (especially those with a 16GB version) are constantly running out of free space on their mobile device.


The ad shows some extremely crucial moments worthy of being captured when the annoying error message pops – Storage Full.

Of course, rumors indicate that Apple will in fact get rid of the 16GB storage option in favor of a slightly higher minimum, which many expect will be 32GB.

In a recent ad by Google for its Photos app, the search engine slyly mocks the limited storage capacity Apple iPhones come with. The accompanying ease of use propagated by this could co-opt you into adopting Google Photos for as long as you think it’s possible.


While Apple obviously has its own cloud service, the difference – one which Google is at pains to highlight – is that the “free up space” function will kick in automatically, whereas Tim Cook and co’s alternative won’t. Anyway, this is a pretty great ad all around – even if it’s weird that after all those iPhone warning prompts, the commercial pulls back to reveal. a Nexus 6P.

New Google Photos video shows how the app saves the day when you run out of storage space