
Google Play on Chromebooks: 5 ways the device could get more productive

The million Android apps-which include popular apps such as Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word and Skype and games such as Clash of Clans and Angry Birds-will remedy the Chromebook’s relative app sparsity. Users will be able to use the Play Store for their Chromebooks by fall if everything goes as planned.


Google shared the news with Android Police, and its reasons rest in the fact that making the device compatible requires a lot of in-depth knowledge which most consumers don’t have. Based on Google’s description of the Play Store for Chrome OS, it seems that VerifyApps has been implemented on the Chrome OS to protect it from malicious Android apps.

If you have either of these devices you will be able to start using Android apps in June 2016.

Unlike Chrome’s web apps, many Android applications also won’t need a constant Internet connection to be useful.

Android app support on Chromebooks will also impact the education sector as simulation apps and 3D games for Android become available on Chromebooks. In a lot of ways this project sounds more like the logical extension of YouTube’s existing Cardboard enhancements, but fully embracing Daydream with a new app like this could be the flawless way to make sure that focus stays just as sharp going forward. Of course, to keep things timely for annual award shows, apps will only be considered if they had a major update or launched in the last 12 months. Not only does WeChat let you send messages, you can use it to schedule a doctor’s appointment, pay bills, keep up with the news, call a cab, and just about anything else you can imagine.

“We will fully support all Android apps, subject to the hardware requirements these apps have”, said Liu. Access to WatchESPN is now available through the ESPN app in the Play Store on any Android TV.


Some are concerned that the apps could run slow in low-end Chromebook models. “Chrome OS has picked up some Android tricks too-sharing and intent systems should work fine, even from one type of app or website to another”, the report reads.

Cardboard viewers used for Google Expeditions. Some students received Mattel View-Masters instead