
Google’s security audit of the Galaxy S6 Edge illustrates Android’s vulnerability

Even so, a recent study by the search giant’s security team found nearly a dozen bugs in the extra software included with Samsung’s Galaxy S6 edge.


One particularly interesting and easily-exploitable issue was found in the Samsung Email client whereby email could be forwarded to another account.

The South Korean technology firm is believed to be hard at work on patches for the flaws.

Google found 11 issues with the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. Eight have been quietly fixed with over the air updates within the 90 day “silence” or “ultimatum” period allowed by Google.

Fortunately the biggest flaws have already been fixed by Samsung, and a few smaller bugs will be patched in an update that will be issued later this month. Essentially, this is a team of highly skilled white hat hackers that go by the name of Project Zero. The team also wanted to know how hard it will be to find bugs in such devices and how quickly it would take to resolve them once reported.

Google’s Project Zero team’s job is to hunt out previously unknown computer security flaws and then bring them to the attention of phone manufacturers so that they can be rectified.

Samsung encourages users to keep their software and apps updated at all times. It can be recalled that it was Brand who, back in July, has informed Samsung about the traversal bug via the handset’s WifiHs20UtilityService.

“The weak areas seemed to be device drivers and media processing”, she said.

“Each team worked on three challenges, which we feel are representative of the security boundaries of Android that are typically attacked”, Google wrote.

According to Top Tech News, these revelations came out from Google’s Project Zero. In addition, different handsets have dissimilar update methods, and manufacturers usually provide instructions on how to upgrade.


Google’s Project Zero looks into vulnerabilities of the device made by OEMs using the Android Open-Source Project (AOSP). The most threatening issue was a hacker can launch javascript embedded in mails also remains unpatched and these bugs are not taken care as of yet.

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