
Google Search has a superb hidden Star Wars easter egg

This is just one of the latest Star Wars features added to Google. Verizon stores nationwide will distribute custom “Star Wars“-themed collectible cardboard viewers in time for the release”. “And we’ve hidden a few easter eggs, too”. Depending on whether the user chooses the dark side or the light side of the force, Google Maps comes with a X-wing or a TIE fighter as a cursor, while YouTube’s progress bar is a lightsaber.


As you might imagine, this isn’t Google’s first Star Wars-related Easter Egg trick.

It’s not just a fancy visual either; you can click on results, and even scroll through them just as you would with the standard look. “The game is simple to control but has incredible depth and breadth”.

Google is making news on several fronts today. The battles are simple, but the proper use of skills is key, since they all have cooldown timers of multiple rounds before you can re-use them.

So what are you waiting for?

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes launches with more than 60 collectible characters and will grow and evolve over time with the Star Wars universe.


Disney and Lucasfilm’s seemingly unstoppable campaign to plaster every corner of the universe with promotions for the upcoming Star Wars flick “The Force Awakens” has claimed another scalp – a cute Easter egg on Google.

Google's Got A Pretty Awesome Star Wars Easter Egg