
Google teams up with filmmakers Ridley Scott, Richie Mehta, Anurag Kashyap

Scott, who will serve as an executive producer with Kashyap, said it did not matter how small or personal the footage was – from riding a bike to calling your mum.


To make user-generated documentary “India in a Day” on how country is evolving.

Google has teamed up with the filmmakers for this global movie project, which has asked everyone across India to grab a camera and film their day on October 10.

It will contact groups the nation over to catch their day.

If the footage, which has to be uploaded on the project’s web site within a week of filming, makes it to the final cut, the participant will earn a co-director credit on the film, as has been the case with earlier editions of the series.

The film is planned for discharge in 2016. “It just essentially needs to hold up under witness to what life is similar to in today’s India – that is sufficiently supernatural”. And when you have names like Google, Anurag Kashyap, Ridley Scott and Richie Mehta personally monitoring the whole process the faith only augments, doesn’t it?

The overall idea of such a film is to help showcase the story of an ever-changing India, says Sandeep Menon, director of marketing at Google India. I trust individuals take this chance frankly, fun, and uncovering. To dispel the myths of India – or confirm their truths.


India In A Day, an initiative backed by a few of the greatest names in the film-making industry, is here to weave us Indians into a fabric that will resound of unison despite its differently coloured threads. You can grab your camera and capture anything and everything around you. “Let us know what you cherish, what you despise, what stresses you, what you seek after, what you need to change”. Film anything. But most of all, make it personal.

Scott of The Martian fame who is executive producing the project with Kashyap wants to explore what life in India is like today