
Google Translate for Android Adds 20 Languages to Video Text Translations

Technology giant Google has introduced a new update to its Translate app that will allow visual translation from English to Hindi and 19 other languages, a move aimed at strengthening its translation and transliteration offerings. Available for both iOS and Android, Translate doesn’t just shuffle words and phrases from one language to another-it can also literally rewrite the world around you. The text transforms live on your screen into the language that you want to translate without requiring an Internet connection. Al-together it is 37 languages in total, which Google Translate App provides.


Google began visual translations in January this year with seven languages – English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Google said that it continues to work on improving the experience for users but now has not specific date to share as far as Hindi to English translation through phone camera is concerned. We use a convolutional neural network, training it on letters and non-letters so it can learn what different letters look like. To access popular services like Gmail, Google Calendar and the Translate app, users must turn to a Great Firewall-leaping VPN or similar such tool that gets around internet restrictions. “If we overdo the rotation, the neural network will use too much of its information density on unimportant things”, said Good. This will be especially beneficial to users in emerging markets that rely on slower mobile networks. Translate Community helps us get better every day On top of today’s updates, we’re also continuously working to improve the quality of the translations themselves and to add new languages.

The World Lens is entirely workable off-line and let a user translate text through the mobile camera into any other language immediately. JC: Translate is not a replacement for a language learning course; it’s not going to teach you a language from scratch or all of the intricacies involved in learning a language.


Google Translate has received an update, adding 20 more languages. This is only one step in the entire process though, and it continues by getting the app to recognize the letters.

Google Translate App Adds 20 More Languages To The Instant Visual Translation