
Google unveils buying button in mobile shopping ads

Ever shopped in the bathroom?


In addition to Google Voice for conversationally bringing up products for purchase, the new search feature will display product ads in the search results. As advertisers realign their ad budgets in favor of mobile devices, chances are that desktop revenue per search (RPS) will suffer. “It’s not likely that people will buy things on impulse, which is sort of what the buy button implies”, Sterling said.

Including on the toilet. Purchases on Google is a mobile-only feature of Product Listing Ads that enables users to buy products on Google from participating merchants.

Alferness explains, “To help smartphone shoppers buy easily from their favorite retailers, we’ll be testing Purchases on Google“.

Retailers will still be the ones holding authority, selling the products and handling the actual product fulfillment while Google will only be hosting the pages.

Within these dedicated retailer sections users will be able to search for other products from that particular retailer. Therefore, we believe the downtrend in RPS (a derivative of CPC) to continued in Q2, and expect the company to report lower RPS, accordingly.

Google first announced that it would explore its own buy button feature at Re/code’s Code Conference in May.

It may sound like a land grab for money, but the company is addressing a very real issue. Alongside the lack of an actual date for the launch of this service, Google was light on other specific details like what the service would be called. Sure, there’s been a 115 percent increase in shopping searches from smartphones globally, but it’s a very small slice of the pie. The tools will work with a “limited number of retailers” for now, the company said today.

The announcement goes hand in hand with more information being revealed about Google’s Android Pay feature.

While Google’s results were still positive, – CTRs increased despite an overall reduction in impressions – “it wasn’t almost what Facebook saw in terms of click through”. However, Google deducts payment processing interchange fees before passing payment to merchants.

With Bing Ads striking a deal to replace Google as the default search provider for AOL, Merkle|RKG data shows that AOL produced 1% of overall Google search ad clicks in Q2 2015, a sizeable portion of the 8% share of Google clicks that search partners produced overall. “Providing the great experience after the click is free”, Alferness joked. “Thanks to smartphones, shopping now happens anytime and anywhere”.

Technology giant Google has definitely realized the potential of online shopping and its huge economic influence.

Google Now is also updated to show price drops, and Google emphasized that these are not paid clicks.


CommerceHub’s Demand platform supports high-performing marketplaces, social commerce sites and product advertising channels that include Google Shopping.

Purchases on Google