
GOP CONVENTION | Pence picked as GOP VP nominee by acclimation

Had Donald Trump chosen a woman or a minority as his vice-presidential candidate, Clinton would have faced pressure from liberals to make her own bold choice.


Pence touched on domestic and global issues, insisting that the GOP ticket has the ability to solve problems while Clinton wants government to dictate American life and strip away rights. And if the Republican No. 2 was from a critical swing state, the electoral map might have loomed larger in her considerations. Instead, Trump reprised his primary victory, rehashed his grievances and launched broadsides against Clinton. Tim Kaine of Virginia or Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, a former governor of Iowa.

Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, is likely to use the vice-presidential selection as a new opportunity to pressure Trump over the issue.

Young has repeatedly refused to say whether he supports Trump’s presidential nomination, saying he’s exclusively focused on his own campaign.

But when asked to name the Republican I admire most, I would always choose Pence.

Mike Pence’s sister-in-law, Denise Pence, said she’s known Karen Pence for about four decades and described her as both smart and strong.

“And I think regardless of who came out of the convention, we were going to end up supporting that person whether it was a man or a woman, whether it was a businessman or a politician”, she said. He’s 32 and the third child of Donald and Ivana Trump, the billionaire’s first wife. Dick Cheney springs to mind, for instance, as a vice president who so thoroughly inserted himself into the policymaking process that his enemies accused him of puppeteering a clueless commander-in-chief.

Mike McDaniel a veteran Indiana Republican and former state party chairman, called Karen Pence the base upon which Mike Pence has built his life. I am not sure I buy that. “Wisconsin deserves better than the divisive policies and “me-first” economic proposals of the Trump and Pence ticket”.

“The President is supposed to be the leader of the free world”.

One of those who has been at odds with some parts of that message is Trump’s new running mate. Such thinking could count against Sen.

It’s also true that the state has a substantial budget surplus, even though many crucial government services continue to go underfunded. “To me, he was very presidential”.

In 2012 Mitt Romney chose Ryan to energize conservatives and sharpen his ticket’s policy differences with the Obama administration. John McCain chose Sarah Palin to appeal to conservatives and reinforce his outsider image. Friends told me “go see Mike Pence” the Congressman from IN who was then chairman of the powerful Republican Study Committee, composed of the 70 most conservative Congressmen.

It will be the second time the Hoosier governor addresses the country since being announced as Donald Trump’s running mate last week.

I know from personal experience, Mike Pence is a Christian, Conservative, Republican, as he freely admits “in that order” and I’ve seen him stand up for chaplains’ rights.

However, Wagner said, Trump’s candidacy makes it more hard for down-ballot candidates to get their message out because one of the first questions they’re likely to face from voters is where they stand on their presidential nominee.


At one point, Trump gave Pence permission to speak before talking right over him. “Our party is ready”, he said.

All the Most Excruciating Moments From the Trump/Pence Nightmare 60 Minutes Interview