
GOP Convention Speakers: Tim Tebow, Ted Cruz, Benghazi Survivors

After months of rocky sailing, Trump heads into the Republican convention in Cleveland with the wind at his back thanks to a New York Times/CBS News poll that showed a dead heat between him and Clinton.


Mark Geist and John Tiegen, survivors of the deadly 2012 attack on the American diplomatic consulate in Benghazi, Libya, will speak.

Donald Trump’s children, members of Congress and critics of Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama will speak at next week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

One factor working against the Trump opponents is that objecting delegates must be recognized by the convention’s presiding officer.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is, however, slated to speak, and he told Fox News Wednesday night that only he and Pence were still in the running.

Williams said, “We’ll make sure people stay within the parameters of what is allowed and what is not”.

While many have distanced themselves from the Republican presidential candidate, he will still have some star power speaking on his behalf at the Republican National Convention next week.

There’s been talk of some Trump foes walking out of the convention if they feel they’ve been treated unfairly, a spectacle top Republicans would love to avoid.

The Trump campaign scheduled McCaul to speak on national security in primetime on the first night of the convention, July 18.

Despite Trump’s proclamations that the convention would break the mold, the list of speakers includes plenty of establishment speakers, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and various members of Congress. I mean to me, it’s very important. Also reportedly on the docket are UFC founder Dana White and professional golfer Natalie Gulbis. Proposals floating around include closing GOP primaries to independent voters, with whom Trump performed well, or making some changes that would not take effect until after this convention.


Dan Williams, a spokesman for Jackson, told CNN about open carry guns: “Bottom line, we’re going to follow the law”. News stories displayed here appear in our category for General and are licensed via a specific agreement between and The Associated Press, the world’s oldest and largest news organization.

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