
GOP Delegate: Trump Primary Wins ‘Absolutely Irrelevant’ At Convention

“… But I don’t think it’s inconceivable that someone could catch the imagination of the delegates at the convention”.


Trump also insisted Cruz was missing out by not watching the debate between Democrats Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, saying Clinton was caught flip-flopping “this way and that way” on trade. “The great irony of this campaign is that the “Washington cartel” that Mr. Cruz rails against is the very group he is relying upon in his voter-nullification scheme”, he wrote.

Meanwhile, the third poll in three days shows Donald Trump with a lead of more than 30 points in NY.

“Oh, I’m the bigger man. With the bigger hands”.

The five minute dialogued allowed Ted Cruz to blow off some steam at his rival Donald Trump.

“So have I”, Fallon’s Trump character responds. “And let’s face it, anyone that high definitely voted for me, so basically I won Colorado”.

Kasich performs most competitively among more moderate voters (who support him 35 percent to Trump’s 54 percent) and college graduates (who back him 32 percent to Trump’s 48 percent).

Pete Stouder, right, of Denver joins a small crowd as they gather on the west steps of the state capitol in Denver to protest the state’s delegate selection process last weekend at the state GOP convention in Colorado Springs. Your name and info was sent to me on a list that is going public. “So basically, I won Colorado”.

In the southeast corner of the state in the critical Philadelphia suburbs, Trump is at 40 percent, to 31 percent for Cruz, and Kasich at 23 percent. “I believe we need to secure the border once and for all, and start enforcing the rule of law”, Cruz said, as Fallon’s Trump used his comments to make jokes about building a wall along the border.

When Trump offered to give Cruz tips on staying in New York, Cruz pretended to put down the phone to get a pen, but instead poured himself a stiff drink before returning to the line.


Sen. Ted Cruz has a new ad attacking Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s years-old praise of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, despite the fact that Trump now routinely criticizes Gotham’s chief executive. I love New York City.

Texas senator Ted Cruz's campaign has been effective at recruiting delegates