
GOP Insiders Predict Next 3 Candidates to Exit Race

Republican Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin abruptly pulled out of the 2016 U.S. presidential race on Monday, doomed by a lightning-quick collapse from serious contender to also-ran candidate struggling to raise money. His job approval ratings fell dramatically during his presidential run, hitting their lowest mark ever of 39 percent in an August poll conducted by Marquette University.


The most interesting part of Walker’s participation in the campaign may well have been how he ended it. He lamented the rise of businessman and television personality Donald Trump to the early leadership position in political polling. He follows former Texas Governor Rick Perry, who dropped out on September 11.

And then he was simply plowed under by the Donald Trump express.

“Clearly, Mr. Trump’s message continues to resonate”. In addition to sucking up all the campaign’s oxygen, Trump was siphoning off Walker’s votes. “Kind of guy I want managing my tax money”.

Overall, this is good for the Republican Party. Why?

Goldfarb said Walker had been unable to break through such a large field.

“I think it’s a mistake, especially in Iowa, to think that the people who were supporting Walker will drift towards other establishment candidates”, said Craig Robinson, editor-in-chief of The Iowa Republican.

An autopsy of Scott Walker’s presidential campaign by Politico has revealed interesting claims that Walker’s wife may have played a significant role in his campaign’s final demise.

No one can say who will be the next to fall or when.

“I hated to see (Walker) withdraw but we must move forward”, Johnson wrote on his Facebook page. He urged others in the packed field to consider doing the same “so that voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current front-runner”. Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca said the proposal marked a change in tune for Republicans. “It’s one less body to climb over”.

Laurence Goldfarb, the owner of a Great Neck, New York commodities company, said there are two candidates who could attract his donations now that Walker has exited the race – Rubio and Carly Fiorina. Even if Walker didn’t have many voters to give his competitors, he had donors.

“You can’t build a campaign by tearing down working people and their aspirations”, she said.

“He’s going to be more aggressive and active on policy matters”, Graul said.

“When Walker was at his zenith early on, voters in places like Iowa gravitated toward him as a strong chief executive from the Midwest with a proven record”. “Now, it’s who’s the most believable, capable and electable”.

Rubio just hired Walker’s New Hampshire state chairman, Cliff Hurst, to co-chair the Florida lawmaker’s campaign in the Granite State, strategically vital because it holds the first primary, USA Today said. But the difference between a long shot and a spoiler in this contest may just be an honest look in the mirror and a willingness to put the Republican Party – and America – first.


Walker staffers in South Carolina are also migrating to the Rubio camp. Lindsey Graham. “We’ve got three basketball teams”.

'He's effectively done': Scott Walker 2016 presidential campaign in crisis