
GOP leader defends investigation of Planned Parenthood

The lawmaker from Colorado said eight Republicans on a select House committee investigating Planned Parenthood have used the phrase “baby body parts” – or one like it – 33 times since July. James Lankford of Oklahoma, a staunch abortion opponent who acknowledged Monday that a successful effort to defund Planned Parenthood won’t happen on this bill or is likely anytime soon. He went on to say that abortion is an issue that should be legitimately debated and the United States should discuss it “factually, accurately”.


“Whipping people into a frenzy of hate and anger while providing them with easy access to firearms has proven disastrous to our country”, said Reid.

“I do not see a shutdown happening in this process”, he told reporters.

Taxpayers in Alabama got a bad deal on Monday when Gov. Robert Bentley’s crusade against Planned Parenthood fell short of the mark, costing the state $51,000. “As a doctor and Alabama’s Governor, the issue of human life, from conception to birth and beyond, is extremely important to me”. “It would be like saying we have complaints about education reform in America so there are school shootings”.

Senate Minority Leader Sen. Ted Cruz said Monday in Iowa. Mike Lee or Utah.

“There have been so many threats we haven’t even been able to keep up with them-we’ve had to hire an outside security firm”, said the group’s president, Vicki Saporta.

“One in particular who was present in making the case, was Representative Donna Hicks, and I have a copy of her letter, making all manner of allegations of concern of illegal activity at Planned Parenthood”, Smith said.

The agreement followed an order by U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson to stop Alabama from terminating its agreement with a Planned Parenthood regional affiliate providing services under Medicaid, the federal and state healthcare program for the poor.

While he tamped down talk of a shutdown, McCarthy said there would be no shortage of votes on policy amendments to the spending bill, though he declined to identify what those riders might be.

There’s no evidence that the attacks were coordinated, “however, just from common sense we’re leaving that possibility open”, said Chris Tennant, a police spokesman in Pullman, Washington, where a clinic was attacked on July 19. Budget watchdogs say tapping into Federal Reserve surpluses is nothing more than a $59 billion gimmick and that the highway bill will actually add that figure to the government’s nearly $19 trillion debt.


Before the end of the year, congressional leaders also hope to pass a long-term compromise highway bill, a rewrite of the unpopular No Child Left Behind law, and a series of tax break extensions. Quick floor action is expected on each.

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Offices of Planned Parenthood are seen