
GOP Leaders Gather in Cleveland for Republican National Convention

Asked about their difference of opinion about the war during their first joint interview on “60 Minutes”, Trump was dismissive.


Earlier today, Manafort said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”: “He is making a big mistake”. Instead, he spent much of the time accusing Clinton of lying about sending and receiving classified information on a private email server in her home when she was secretary of state.

The demonstrators also denounced presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump for his discriminatory views about immigration and Muslims. Five Dallas police officers were killed by a black gunman that same week.

Trump is scheduled to deliver his own speech Thursday on the convention’s final night. On Tuesday, it’s “Make America Work Again”.

Overall, viewership for the national political conventions dropped 26% after 1968, according to the Nielsen ratings. “Pence will do the job for Donald Trump”.

Last spring, Trump repeatedly blasted the 2012 GOP convention as “the single most boring” he’d ever seen.

Trump’s family will play a key role here in their speeches to the convention. And even if they do, it’s a vote they seem very likely to lose.

“We’re not going to have the traditional wall-to-wall speakers from Washington”, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort said Sunday.

Conventions are meant to be festive but tightly disciplined events, a rare moment when the Republican party can control the program, reintroduce their candidate and launch him into the fall campaign with a bump in the polls. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia will also, as will Ben Carson, a Republican primary rival-turned-Trump supporter.

Late Sunday, 14 insurgent members of the convention rules committee emailed their fellow GOP delegates asking them to oppose the rules that panel approved, saying its proposals included “abuses of power”.

Three officers are dead and three others wounded after the shooting less than 1 mile from local police headquarters.

Kasich, a Republican, called law enforcement a noble and essential calling and said people are grieving again after new attacks on officers.

“We’ve given them all the security instructions of what they’re expected to do”, he said. “I’m trying to be a classy guy, but to win elections nowadays, the Democrats and liberals attack viciously”.

Moolenaar said Sunday he plans to formally endorse Trump on Monday.

“He is absolutely qualified to be head of state, to be head of government, to be commander in chief and to be head of the party”, Cox said.

The proposed ban is an example of where Trump differs from his pick for vice president.

At his rallies, Trump often spoke of a “winners’ evening” featuring “some of the great sports people I know”.

Trump has portrayed himself as a sheriff who can fix things.

Cleveland Mayor Frank Johnson says there are no credible threats against the Republican National Convention, and that the city is prepared to handle anything that might occur.

Speaker highlights at the four-day convention, which begins Monday at the Quicken Loans Arena.

With a significant number of protests expected, there are concerns for public safety around the convention in light of growing tensions in the USA as a whole, recent high-profile shootings, and the “open carry” gun policy in OH, which permits weapons to be displayed in public.

“We are going to be looking very, very hard at anyone who has an open carry”, Loomis said.

Priebus says Trump understands the need to grow the party beyond white voters.

“It’s going to be a different kind of convention”.

As Republicans meet in Cleveland this week to anoint Donald Trump as their candidate for president, senior aides to the outspoken NY businessman are confident they have thwarted a rebellion aimed at denying him the nomination.

Delegations not in Trump’s good graces will largely be banished to the back of the room, cheering for their nominee from afar.

Priebus tells ABC’s “This Week” that Trump is already an intriguing figure to Americans. “Let’s see about the acceptance speech….” He showed restraint by following the lead of his advisers and choosing Mike Pence, the running mate viewed as his best option to unite the party.

Convention organizers have also been seeking to prevent problems outside the hall.


Unfortunately, that won’t stop the pundits from whining that establishment dignitaries are not at the convention.

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Paul Ryan stands at the main podium as he previews the stage at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Ohio a day before the start of the event. Donald Trump's candidacy has driven a wedge in the party