
GOP poll: Trump ahead, Carson down, Rubio and Cruz gaining

Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who received 17 percent of the vote among GOP voters – up from the 14 percent he saw last month. Cruz has gained 3 points, garnering 16 percent of the support and tying Carson, who lost 7 points over the past month. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).


Ben Carson’s threat to Donald Trump’s front-runner status appears to have faded, according to a Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday.

Add Ted Cruz to the list of people who don’t think Donald Trump will ride his current polling lead to the Republican presidential nomination.

Trump this morning topped a new Quinnipiac University poll with 27 percent of the vote, but come January, the polls will likely look much different, he continued, but Trump does hold many attributes voters are seeking, and many of his backers will continue to support him “through and through”. Just 32% of Republican primary voters said their minds are “made up” about their voting choice, while 65% said they could change their mind.

The poll found, however, that the race is still highly volatile two months away from the Iowa caucuses.

On the Democratic side, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Sen. “I’m going to be meeting with Bibi Netanyahu who’s a great guy, I love Israel and will support it whole heartedly”. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is working on a trick-shot strategy that has him winning New Hampshire and storming the rest of the primaries by arguing that gubernatorial experience is preferable to electing a one-term senator like Rubio, but he actually slipped from 3 percent to 2 percent in the Q-poll… landing right next to Governor John Kasich of Ohio. Among the top four candidates, Trump has the most committed supporters, with just 53 percent saying their mind is not yet made up.

Clinton at 46 percent to Carson’s 43 percent compared to Carson’s 50 – 40 percent lead last month. Rubio is slightly ahead of Trump among the “moderately conservative”, while Trump dominates among “moderate to liberal” Republicans.

Among voters who say foreign policy is most important, Rubio leads with 22 percent, followed by Trump and Cruz at 19 percent. Clinton also polls slightly above all the Republican candidates in December, whereas she polled slightly behind them last month.


Sanders fared better in Republican match-ups, beating Cruz 49 to 39 percent, Carson 47 to 41 percent and Rubio 44 to 43 percent.

Cruz plays well in Iowa