
GOP Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina Headed To Idaho

Whereas her August performance took her from Margin of Error territory into respectably high single digits, Fiorina jumped to 15% in the first poll taken after the September 16 debate.


“Carly has never been a token in her life”, Anna Epstein, a Fiorina campaign spokesperson, said. If they both do somehow make it through their respective primaries it will be a battle for the ages.

A straw poll at the National Federation for Republican Women last month showed that Republican women overwhelmingly favor Fiorina as their top choice, with 27 percent of the respondents saying that they would vote for her. Clinton twice referenced her policies would lead to Americans living up to their “God-given potential”.

Clinton, who received thunderous applause for her defense of Planned Parenthood, made multiple mentions about how being a female candidate makes her an “outsider” in the Democrat field.

“Attacks on Planned Parenthood are attacks on women’s health and rights”. With that as your calling card you really can’t go slinging too much mud at any other ladies. Other than that, she was spot on. She’s never been running on the “elect me because I’m a woman” ticket, though I’m sure her team isn’t terribly unhappy if that helps. Hillary Clinton had an edge, as she did throughout most of the night’s proceedings, using her personal experiences as a mother to bolster her position.

Even more concerning was the way she wouldn’t admit that she’d been caught in a misstatement. At the very least, her candidacy could prove to attract more women to the party, which Republicans have historically struggled to do. Oh boy – Hill Dog could not hold back her anger!



Depending on your perspective, Hillary Clinton either has a lot of work to do in tonight’s Democrat debate or basically none at all.

Carly Fiorina Loses Poll Bump Probably for Lying Her Head off About Planned Parenthood