
GOP presidential candidate John Kasich to hold town hall in Noblesville

The list included Kasich’s rivals for the Republican presidential nomination, front-runner Donald Trump and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, along with Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, in its “leaders” category, but not the OH governor.


Insisting that “everything is so volatile now”, Kasich said none of the remaining trio of GOP candidates will have enough delegates to capture the party’s nomination on the first ballot at its summertime convention in Cleveland.

Touting his experience in Congress and as the governor or OH, as well as New Hampshire polling data suggesting that voters are having “buyer’s remorse” when it comes to Trump, Kasich argued that he’s the best candidate suited for presidency.

Kasich has trailed Trump and Cruz throughout the campaign and his organization did not immediately respond to a request for comment on his omission from the Time list. Sevastopulo than said, “If you answer the question”. “Make sure that you get out and vote and allow me to win delegates in the district in which you live so I can go to the convention in a strong position”, he said.

John Kasich got angry Monday and grabbed the recorder from a reporter that was asking why Kasich should be the nominee if he’s only won one state.

There are 28 Republican delegates at stake in CT.

“He seems like the only adult on the stage at times, which is good”.

Joel Mattila, the Clark County Chairman for the Trump campaign, told KGW a visit from the NY business mogul is tentatively scheduled on May 7 in Vancouver.


Friday night’s town hall was the second Kasich has held in CT.

GOP presidential candidate John Kasich to hold town hall in Noblesville