
GOP Reportedly Considering Brokered Convention…Carson Threatens To Leave Party

But one or both could siphon enough votes from the Republican nominee to hand the election to the Democrats.


Trump is overwhelmingly viewed by Republican voters as decisive and competent. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen.

But on the flip side, some political experts envision a way for Donald Trump to win the most primaries throughout the early voting season and still end up on the sidelines.

Trump’s call for a ban on muslims entering the United States in the wake of the San Bernardino massacre sparked a firestorm of criticism, but also support for from many Republican voters. The comment drew a rebuke from former Vice President Dick Cheney, among others. Needless to say, Carson was furious when he learned of the secret Republican leadership meeting. After Reagan’s two terms, the establishment has controlled every nomination process until this one.

There are other hints Republicans are gearing up for a potential brokered convention.

“The pledge isn’t meaningless”, Watts said. I signed a pledge, and the pledge was supposed to be a double deal.

Carson told ABC News on Friday that he had no plans to run as an independent.

Richard E. Vatz, who teaches political rhetoric at Towson University, noted a couple of political dynamics likely at play.

Since the last DMR/Bloomberg poll, also in October, Cruz has gained 21 points – perhaps indicating that he has attracted the backing of voters who had favored Carson, whose numbers have dropped 15 points since then.

“If Donald Trump left the Republican Party, it would create a very risky situation for the GOP candidate”.

A crowded Republican field for 2016 means the hopefuls are competing for a fractured party base.

Carson said he spoke with Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Reince Priebus, who reassured him that there was no behind-the-scenes scheming. “That is their bind”.

Party officials agreed during a private dinner to review contingency plans should multiple candidates remain viable leading into the mid-July convention, according to multiple media reports. “I’m not looking to be politically correct”.

As Steve Yaccino writes for Bloomberg Politics, “If three or more Republican candidates are still competitive in the presidential race beyond March 15, as seems increasingly possible, it will be hard to avoid a situation in which no candidate accumulates over 50 percent of delegates, so multiple ballots could be needed to select the Republican nominee in Cleveland next summer”.

Trump’s statement was by far the most dramatic response of a USA presidential candidate to last week’s shooting spree in California by a married couple whom the Federal Bureau of Investigation later said had become Islamist militants some time ago.

Meanwhile, the clock is already ticking for those considering leaving the GOP.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at the Iowa State Fai …


The apparent threats came just hours after news that Carson had fallen to seventh place in the latest poll in New Hampshire.

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson issued a statement Friday morning condemning reports of a closed-door meeting of Republican establishment leaders earlier in the week