
GOP senator calls on FBI to loosen hold on Clinton documents

The more than half-dozen Freedom of Information Act lawsuits pending against the State Department will expose thousands of documents related to Clinton’s time as secretary of state now that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has relinquished control of roughly 14,900 emails recovered from Clinton’s private server.


The State Department couldn’t say how numerous 30-odd emails previously have been made public, raising the possibility that some were among the 55,000 pages of emails already provided to the State Department by Mrs. Clinton’s attorneys and released to the public.

The State Department has said it will need until the end of September to review the new emails before their release.

The FBI’s notes on their investigation into Clinton’s emails, including interviews with her and her staff, could be released as early as Wednesday.

The documents Trump referred to were found among the 15,000 or so emails recovered by the FBI during the course of its investigation, after which the Justice Department declined to pursue a criminal prosecution of Clinton.

“She and her lawyers had those emails deleted, and they didn’t just push the delete button; they had them deleted where even God can’t read them”. “You don’t use BleachBit for yoga emails or for bridemaids emails”, the former federal prosecutor charged.

The FBI recovered thousands of documents from Clinton’s private e-mail servers during its investigation of the Democratic presidential nominee’s use of that system for official business.

“It’s arson. It’s pyromania”. Only those with high-level security clearances can view the unredacted files containing classified information.

Republicans said Clinton lied to Congress about her handling of emails when she testified last October before a House panel investigating the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. If Clinton did not consider emails about something as important as Benghazi to be work-related, one has to wonder what is contained in the other emails she attempted to wipe from her server.


In a separate development Tuesday, Judicial Watch submitted 25 questions to Clinton about her 2009 decision to rely on a private server in the basement of her NY home rather than a government email account.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks in Reno Nev. The State Department says about 30 emails that may be related to the 2012 attack on U.S. compounds in Benghazi Libya are among the thousands