
GoT season 7, 8 will be really shorter

Jaehaerys was also the father of the Mad King Aerys Targaryen, and the grandfather of Rhaegar, Daenerys and Viserys.


Viewers assumed that Rhaegar Targaryen got Lyanna pregnant post-kidnapping, but Isaac Hempstead Wright, who plays Bran, threw us all off with a believable (but grim) incest theory.

Season six of “Game of Thrones” was noteworthy for many reasons, but mainly because it provided us with more fan theories than any season prior. But unless you think that’s a sly hint that she’s going after Jaqen H’gar, it seems pretty certain it will be Jon Snow she’ll want to hook up with.

Entertainment Weekly announced the directors slated for the feverishly anticipated seventh season of “Game of Thrones”.

However, the series will not end according to the book as Martin is expected to finish the final installment of “The Song Of The Ice and Fire” in time.

Will Jon Snow make Daenerys Targaryen the new Queen in the North to defeat Cersei Lannister and take the Iron Throne? But HBO already inadvertently – or maybe intentionally – told everyone who Jon Snow’s parents are well ahead of the upcoming season. In many ways this title could refer directly to Jon Snow has a character.

After the dramatic season finale of “Game of Thrones” Season 6, there is a lot of anticipation for Season 7 og the hit HBO series. It was revealed that he is the son of Lyanna Stark, but the finale did not reveal the identity of Jon Snow’s father.

Meanwhile, Netflix have confirmed that, in the lead-up to to the new episodes that’ll premiere later in the year, they’ll begin screening full seasons of “Gilmore Girls” – seasons one to eight – from July 1. Perhaps there is some other secret concerning Jon’s birth that Lyanna disclosed to Ned that has yet to be revealed. You know he will. She then has him bend down and whispers in his ear.


However, another very important storyline will be unfolding the next season and that is Jon’s true parentage.

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