
‘Gotham’ Season 3: Maggie Geha Casted as New Poison Ivy

Previously known as Pamela Isley in every single previous appearance across all forms of media, the character was rechristened “Ivy Pepper” in one of Gotham’s first exercises in being far less than subtle.


Will Poison Ivy retain her qualities from the comics, acting as an eco-terrorist after the events of her mutations?

“Now a 19-year-old woman who’s harnessed the full power of her charms, she sets her sights on Bruce Wayne”, the release reveals.

On June 14th Fox said that they were looking to recast Poison Ivy to someone older. The age jump is explained, too, due to “an encounter with a monster from Indian Hill, ” which leads to her being “reborn.” .

Originally Gotham was meant to tell the story of future Commissioner James Gordon’s early days on the Gotham City Police Department, but the series later included the Wayne character and the origin stories of several Batman villains. Valerie Vale (Jamie Chung) will be investigating the research facility that’s disguised as a toxic waste dump where she will determine that Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) must have something to do with the odd occurrences that happen there. Strange, to take over Gotham.

Season 3 of the show is scheduled to premiere at 8 pm on September 19 on Fox.


So perhaps there is some logic to the decision to replace the actress playing the young version of Poison Ivy with someone double in age in the space of a season.