
Gotham Teases Harley Quinn, The Joker and Way More

The action spectacle is also resonating with foreign crowds.


“Suicide Squad” cost $175 million to make, according to researcher Box Office Mojo, and tens of millions more to market.

Since the March release of “Batman v Superman”, which had a strong debut but saw box sales slow after critics panned the movie, Warner Bros. has appointed executives specifically to focus on the DC films slate. The user’s post finishes with them calling out to similarly disappointed fans, urging others to stand up against Hollywood’s “unjust” advertising schemes. In many ways, watching the Suicide Squad is like reading an issue of the comic.

Robbie’s Harley Quinn, a former psychiatrist who is driven mad by her relationship with arch DC villain, The Joker (Jared Leto) has been the biggest success of Suicide Squad.

And boy were those reviews very bad. (Think “The Dark Knight.”) If you release a good Superman film (cough, cough Christopher Reeve), it can inspire millions and create a lasting beacon of hope. Viewers under 18 gave it an A rating.

There is an extremely interesting premise here, and it’s a storyline that could have been handled marvellously on the big screen – however, the execution of Suicide Squad, mainly in its frantic editing and wayward direction, does little to inspire focus from the audience. “Clearly there’s disconnect between audiences and critics”. It managed to overcome the bad notices to debut to $166 million, but the poor word-of-mouth caught up to the film in its second weekend, pushing receipts down by almost 70%.

Suicide Squad: Special Ops is available for free on the Apple App Store. Two years ago in 2014 Warner Brothers and DC announced that Suicide Squad was getting a movie treatment and hired Justin Marks originally to adapt with David Ayer directing, later the screenplay landed on Ayer as well. In some ways it’s the most expensive fan film ever made, and that might be the whole problem.

Matt Porter is a freelance writer based in London. The film centers on a team of super villains who are recruited for a black ops mission by the USA government.

Not everything was roses for “Suicide Squad”, though, despite dominating the weekend. The studio has scheduled nine more DC films through 2020, including the 2017 release “Wonder Woman” with Gal Gadot, who won praise for her portrayal of the female superhero in “Batman v Superman“. Ousted from the company last February, Lambert died of lung cancer in May.


Picture if you will, a 5ish-year-old Jewish kid with a bowl cut and tons of curiosity. SXT Entertainment’s “Bad Moms” also continued solid business with $14.2 million in its second week, bringing the cumulative gross for the comedy to $51 million. The raunchy comedy about a group of mothers who rebel against pressures to be flawless parents has made $51 million since opening, a healthy return on its $20 million budget.

Suicide Squad