
Gotta catch l’amour: Pokemon Go gets a dating site

I am frankly surprised it took this long but now, at long last, BuzzFeed reports that there is a Pokémon Go dating app that will let you fulfill your dreams of catching them all while also maybe catching some D.


In addition, the app also calculates the best possible time to go on a date by taking into account the hours of the day that both players are available online.

The goal is to get single Pokemon GO players to meet up at a prearranged PokeStop or PokeGym before exploring the places and finding creatures like Pikachus or Squirtles. Members can go on more PokeDates by referring friends or paying $20 per date.

Instead of relying on complex algorithm to match the “Pokemon Go” players, Project Fixup reportedly has human employees to do that instead, The Verge reported.

They will then aim to arrange a date with someone that shares similar interests.

Your first PokeDate will be free, but after that, your romantic Pokemon adventures will set you back US$20 per date. This method of manually matching applicants has already been done in the company’s previous dating site called Fixup.

There is no cost to sign up, and the first PokeDate is free with promo code “POKEDATES2016”. Or like Sarah Press, CEO Co-Founder of Project Fixup feels, “it’s more fun to play with a companion”. The lauching of “Pokemon GO” was ideal for PokeDates as it pools together people with a singularly unifying interest in Pokemon.


Answer some questions about yourself and your Pokemon preferences, and the site will match you with a fellow player. You can do that now through PokeDates and PokeMatch!

Image via screenshot