
Gov. Brown Approves Removing ‘Lynching’ From California Law

McCarthy, a ex- Playboy Playmate, has also blamed her son’s autism on vaccinations. While Carrey seemingly grabbed the first image he could find online, his rant caught the attention of Echols’ mother, Karen Echols, who then requested via Twitter that Carrey remove the image.


Jim Carrey led the celebrity anti-vaxx charge on Twitter yesterday after Governor Jerry Brown signed one of the strictest mandatory vaccination bills in the nation, and since it’s 2015 it all could be traced back to #viral #marketing and #networking. This corporate fascist must be stopped, ‘ Carey wrote.

Carrey didn’t stop there. As for mercury, Mr. Carrey appears to share the (debunked) belief that the vaccine preservative thimerosal causes neurological disorders, including autism; even if that were true, which it’s not, pediatric vaccines in Canada and the United States don’t contain thimerosal, apart from optional flu shots. Make sense?’.

“I am anti-thimerosal, anti-mercury”, he said. NOT ALL! The CDC can’t solve a problem they helped start. They are corrupt.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Gladen has held “influencer-oriented, salon-style screenings” of his anti-vax doc at private homes in wealthy places like the Pacific Palisades, Beverly Hills, Silver Lake, and Calabasas – affluent Los Angeles neighborhoods where school vaccination rates have been found to be dangerously low. Many doctors are refusing to take on patients who are not vaccinated due to the considerable risk of illness transmission to medically fragile patients in their waiting rooms.

The California law follows a Disneyland measles outbreak, the worst outbreak since the disease was declared eliminated in 2000. As the measles spread to 17 states and the District of Columbia, arguments of anti-vaxxers seemed to shrivel in the face of, among others, a 7-year-old boy undergoing chemotherapy who, too ill to be vaccinated himself, explained the importance of herd immunity at a school board meeting.

Helfand said, “We just have to understand that if we’re going to live in a society, we have responsibilities to the entire society, and we need to take those seriously”. “Because it is a medical treatment that comes with risk”. You have to consider the cumulative effect. It’s linking them to vaccines and then linking vaccines to severe disorders that’s a mighty leap.

The 53-year-old movie star, who lives in California, used several images of distressed-looking children while trying to illustrate his beliefs that mandatory vaccines result in the poisoning of children.


They use their website and Facebook to advocate for the use of medical marijuana, and family members have made it clear that they have never spoken against vaccination.

Anti-Vaxxers Vow Legal Challenges Civil Disobedience After CA Vaccination Law Signed