
Gov. Brown Approves Stripping ‘Lynching’ from California Code

California now joins Mississippi and West Virginia as states that will only allow schoolchildren to sidestep vaccine requirements if they have legitimate medical exemptions.


Under the new law, exemptions will now only be granted when physicians “believes that circumstances – in the judgment and sound discretion of the physician – so warrant”, explained Brown.

On Tuesday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed SB277 into law.

The stricter rules regarding vaccination comes after a recent measles outbreak. Most of the infected were unvaccinated.

The new law was hailed by state Superintendent Tom Torlakson, who said it would protect the health of the community, especially those too young or too ill to be vaccinated and increase vaccination rates.

On Thursday, a woman died from measures in the first American measles death since 2003. “At the same time, the bill provides educational options for families that decide against vaccinating their children”.

When asked if he thinks he can collect enough signatures to get the issue on the ballot, Donnely replied, “we’ll see”, maintaining that there was a “huge outpouring” of bipartisan opposition to the bill. “School is a common place where kids can pass germs from one to another”.

The Ace Ventura: Pet Detective actor’s comments come after a new bill in the USA removed parents’ right to opt out of vaccines for their children.

In one of his tweets, he pleaded, “Make them toxin-free”.

Veteran comic actor Jim Carrey has labeled California’s governor a “corporate fascist” for ordering tougher rules on mandatory vaccinations, claiming they can poison children. The boy, Alex Echols, has autism as the result of a genetic condition known as tuberous sclerosis, and his mom felt that Carrey using her son’s image was improper. Others, including the Autism Society, maintain the jury is still out.

There is no link between vaccinations and autism, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Institute of Medicine and other medical groups. “Make sense?” This process is quite safe, but after a public outcry spurred by misinformation and confusion on these two forms of mercury, thimerosal was discontinued in most vaccines.


In several tweets, he urged people to watch a documentary based on an article edited by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the science behind mercury-based preservatives in vaccines. The implication of the images he’s posted, his dire directive that “This could be the face of California’s future” and his blathering about neurotoxins and the “corrupt” CDC, is that the current vaccine system could pave the way for a bunch of screaming, crying, damaged children.

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