
Gov. Cuomo catches shark, social media reacts

But not everyone was thrilled, as thresher sharks – although legal to catch – are listed as vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.


Gov. Cuomo landed a big one while fishing off the South Shore of Long Island on Sunday, tweeting out a photo of a 154.5 pound thresher shark.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has always been fond of publicly posting photos of his latest catch from frequent weekend fishing jaunts off the coast of Long Island.

The social media reaction to Cuomo’s catch was largely negative.

“Lost for words. Governor of New York State Andrew Cuomo kills an IUCNRedList threatened thresher shark for fun”.

The state Department of Environmental Conservation allows hunters to keep thresher sharks if they measure at least 54 inches from the tip of their snout to the end of their tail.

“How did a man who is clearly unaware of the problems facing Earth reach high office?”

“Governor: Do you enjoy killing an endangered shark?”

And on and on it goes.

According to global nongovernmental conservation organization worldwide Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the three species of thresher shark are now listed as “vulnerable”. Earlier this month, he posted an Instagram photo of a 9-foot hammerhead the brothers caught and released. This time, with the thresher shark, they had dinner on their minds.


Levine says NY under Cuomo has taken strides to conserve sharks.

New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo at