
Governor to Announce Run for President

Ohio Governor John Kasich will officially declare his presidential candidacy Tuesday, July 21. On Sunday afternoon, New Day for America, a group supporting Kasich’s upcoming presidential bid, released a five-minute short film about the governor’s life and what, his team maintains, makes him unique from anyone else in the race. He is Ohio’s current governor, a former congressman and former investment banker.


Mr. Hansen is married to Beth Hansen, Mr. Kasich’s former chief of staff, who has a high role in his yet unofficial campaign. Rick Santorum.

Kasich had a previous marriage that ended in his 20s.

Kasich successfully fought with his fellow Republicans to expand Medicaid eligibility in Ohio to cover the working poor.

Kasich was able to unite Ohio’s firefighters, police officers, teachers, nurses, probation officers, and the overwhelming majority of Ohio voters. In November 2011, Ohio voters rejected the measure at the ballot by a 22-point margin, 61 percent to 39 percent.

But it’s not clear how indulgent those just getting to know Kasich might be.

As we have seen, numerous candidates, including the so-called moderates, are already playing to the primary voters who tend to lean to the right of the political spectrum.

“What can I say?”

Kasich’s late launch date could be perfectly timed to help propel him into debate contention.

– Marco Rubio: The 44-year-old U.S. senator from Florida, elected in 2010, is the son of Cuban immigrants and, like Bush, speaks fluent Spanish. “And the people have responded to it. Conservatives in my state have responded to it by and large”.

Yost unveil an assertion alongside the consent, saying Kasich offers with them what exactly Americans wish for.

Kasich has visited all of those states and others in recent months as he tested the waters for a White House run. I think that organized labor, when it’s motivated, can be very powerful. Look at problems and fix them. They plan a protest outside Tuesday’s launch.

No Republican has waged a successful campaign for the White House without winning Ohio.

Some Republican activists, which is to say those most likely to vote in the party’s nominating contest, take a less-kind view. But Kasich has pondered a presidential bid before.

Even so, he signaled early on that he wasn’t interested in piling on Clinton, the leading Democratic contender, or President Barack Obama, a ritual nearly as ingrained as the pledge of allegiance at Republican gatherings.

Making his rollout more hard in the coming weeks, Kasich may be competing with the noise of Trump’s ongoing (and escalating) brawl with the Republican Party.

“I think what’s going to appeal to folks, and independents in particular, is that he’s not someone who plays politics”, Schrimpf said. “We created jobs, cut taxes and balanced our budgets”.

There is one policy area where it is hard to deny Kasich’s conservative chops: the budget. He will also be competing for news coverage with other low-polling Republicans trying to get noticed around the country.

He then heads to South Carolina, Iowa and Michigan.

Aides believe his candor will stand out in a debate. His 55% approval in a February survey is a notable contrast with some of his rivals, including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who are seen more negatively than positively back home.

And Kasich has the backing of a handful of key Republicans, including top media strategists from Sen. I’m in southern New Hampshire! John Sununu, something Kasich often points out.


Kasich, Schrimpf said, “turned around a major state, which happens to be Ohio, which is really important”. “But I’ll take young John”.

Republican U.S. presidential candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich arrives on stage to formally announce his campaign for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination during a kickoff rally in Columbus Ohio