
Graham offers tepid endorsement of Cruz as Trump alternative

At a Washington gala last month, Graham said Trump’s rise to Republican power is evidence the party has gone “batshit insane”, warned that it could lead to a Hillary Clinton presidency and that it pains him to know that Cruz is the least worst alternative. Because, in keeping with our metaphor, he may have realized at least getting shot would be more immediate that the long-term poison now leading in the delegate count.


To set the stage, let’s remember that Lindsey Graham is a vile worm who – just a few weeks ago – was joking about murdering Cruz on the Senate floor. But I’d love to live in a world where Ted Cruz would see Lindsey Graham supporting him and say “thanks but no thanks. I think Ted Cruz is the problem”.

Sen. Lindsey Graham is jumping into the presidential election once again, announcing that he will host a fundraiser for Sen.

‘If you’re a Republican and your choice is Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in a general election, ‘ Graham told CNN.

He said he thought Ohio Governor John Kasich would have a better chance of winning in November, but had concluded that Cruz has a better chance of stopping Trump.

“My hope and my prayer is that Senator Cruz can pull through this and that he can push through and really get to where he needs to go”, she told reporters in Columbia, the state capital. Graham said Cruz is “certainly not my preference”, and he’s “had many differences with” his Texas colleague. “I don’t think the outcome will be substantially different”. Cruz, therefore, is “the best alternative”.

I’m going to help Ted in every way I can. Sen.

Several years ago, after Newt Gingrich ended his presidential campaign and endorsed Mitt Romney, Fox News’ Shep Smith read Gingrich’s statement on the air, before saying, with ideal deadpan delivery, “Politics is weird”.


Heeding the all-hands-on-deck call from his party, Graham has apparently set aside his intense dislike for Cruz, a colleague whose veracity and character he’s frequently questioned in public and on the record. Rubio stopped short of an endorsement, however. Mike Lee last week. I just don’t see how John gets through the primary.

Cruz supporters look to divert attention from Trump with rally in Springfield