
Grand Terrace High School Students Evacuated Due to Threat

Just a few minutes after the Grand Terrace High School call, a bomb threat was phoned in to Loma Linda Medical Center in Loma Linda, just six miles away.


Andrew Jackson High School in Jacksonville were taken by surprise today when they received a bomb threat via email.

Acadiana High School has been evacuated because of a bomb threat. Sheriff’s spokesman Adam Cervantes said the bomb threat at the school located at 21810 Main Street in Grand Terrace was reported at 10 a.m. Sheriff’s deputies and bomb-sniffing dogs conducted a room-by-room search of the campus. She said hospital staff are trained how to act and what to look for in these situations.

Update: Authorities have determined that the threat is a hoax, according to KNX 1070 AM, and there is no danger to the hospital. The medical center treated victims of the deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino last week that left 14 dead and 21 injured.

Students were headed back to class, police said.


FBI director James Comey confirmed that his agency was treating the shooting spree in San Bernardino as a “federal terrorist investigation”, but he said there is no indication the killers were part of a cell or network or were directed by a terrorist group.

San Bernardino High School, Hospital Targeted with Bomb Threats