
Great Falls Walk to End Alzheimer’s moves to find a cure

On Saturday, September 17th, everyone in the community is invited to come out to the old airport in the Sweet Bay community to help “Walk to End Alzheimer’s”.


Registration will take place noon till 1 the park’s Woodlawn Shelter, with an opening ceremony scheduled for 1:15 p.m.

Out of the top 10 causes of death in the United States, Alzheimer’s is the only one with no way to prevent, cure or treat, and money raised Saturday will go to hopefully finding a cure.

The goal in Cape Girardeau this year is $100,000.

In 2015, the 11 Walk to End Alzheimer’s events held by the Alzheimer’s Association Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter raised over $3.7 million.

The Alzheimer’s Association is the largest funder of private Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia research in the world.

“When you go into a room and you ask how many people know of somebody that’s ever been affected by it, a neighbor or a friend, nearly everybody raises their hand”.


This morning, almost 300 people walked to stop one of the top causes of death in America.

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