
Greece has not asked us for financial help, says Russian minister

Cuban President Raul Castro has sent a message of congratulations to Greece’s Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, after his victory at a referendum held July 5.


In the statement Monday, the Kremlin said Mr. Putin “expressed support for the people of Greece in overcoming the difficulties facing the country”.

Putin has not yet committed his country to any agreement with Greece, nor has he offered to lend money to help the country out of its financial crisis.

The Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said earlier on Monday that Moscow would consider providing financial aid if Athens specifically requests it.

Peskov added that the Kremlin respected the results of the plebiscite – which saw more than 61 percent of voters reject a bailout plan – and would closely follow the events unfolding in the European Union member state.

Russian Federation is pouring cold water on the prospect that the so-called BRICS nations could help Greece financially at their summit this week.


Tsipras, who has adamantly opposed economic austerity measures, met with Putin at Russia’s largest economic forum last month.

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