
Greece Rejected Proposal No Longer on Table: Juncker

We have a humanitarian plan if needed, he said.


A visibly raging Juncker then rounded on recent comments from the Syriza government in Greece and, in particular, its ex- Finance Minister Yannis Varoufakis, who referred to European creditors as “terrorists” in the run-up to Sunday’s plebiscite. “This solution can’t be found today”, he said.

However, he said there was little chance of a solution being found at the summit, which will be preceded by a meeting of the common currency’s finance ministers.

The newest on the Greek financial crisis (all times Brussels local):_12:25 a.m. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker says authorities are prepared for all eventualities in Brussels’ drawn-out negotiations with Greece about its financial crisis – in addition to a master plan in which debt-laden Greece leaves the euro single currency or the European Union itself.”The commission is prepared for everything”.

He said one of the purposes later is to “restore order to the situation”. Bild, the country’s biggest daily newspaper, resurrects the spirit of Germany’s champion of 19th century unification, Otto von Bismarck, with the headline: “No new billions for Greece. What we now need is a multi-annual programme, which goes beyond the programme that we discussed only ten days ago because this was only supposed to run until November this year”.

That’s how Otto von Bismarck, the 19th-century leader under whom Germany was unified, was known. Three opposition parties offered backing for Tsipras in the bailout negotiations. “And for that reason the European Commission”, Juncker told the European lawmakers. “I’m in favour of keeping the eurozone together”.

In an interview with the RTL radio network Tuesday, Valls denied that Greece’s “no” vote was a rejection of Europe or its values but rather an expression of pride.


Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said, “I’m extremely somber about this summit”. Offering a grandiose interpretation of events he added: “The eurozone must stay coherent, reliable. It is a conception of the world”. “Today, there is no more time to waste.”_11:41 p.m. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says his government has submitted a proposal for an agreement to the eurogroup and to the European Council.Tsipras asserted Tuesday the proposal was what had been formulated as a national strategy by a political leaders’ meeting in Athens, yet didn’t specify if it was a written or verbal proposal””.

EU s Juncker wants to avoid Grexit