
Green Party Presidential Nominee Jill Stein To Campaign In Columbus

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein arrives at a rally of Bernie Sanders’s supporters on the second day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on July 26, 2016. Doors open at 6 p.m. DeMare will speak at 7 and Stein at 8.


The measures were put on the ballot after the Colorado Supreme Court ruled in May that bans by Fort Collins and Loveland on hydraulic fracturing, commonly called fracking, were pre-empted by state law.

The Green Party candidate is several weeks late to the Harambe bandwagon, as Donald Trump argued killing the beloved gorilla was the right call just three days after the fatal shooting. “It’s important for the citizens of our city to hear that they have another alternative choice besides the two political candidates being presented as our only options for president”.

Stein is on the ballot in Colorado and polling far behind in a four-way race that includes libertarian Gary Johnson.

Harambe is so popular that in a recent poll of likely voters in Texas, the gorilla was pulling 2% of the electorate – equal to one Dr Jill Stein.

If Johnson and Stein won’t be allowed to compete on a level playing field with their well-heeled opponents through the debates, then the only equitable resolution to this issue is for Clinton and Trump to be required to debase themselves for attention in the same fashion as their competitors.

Some Stein supporters have cited Clinton’s relatively safe lead as reason to look seriously – and ultimately vote for – Stein. Bernie Sanders in the primary will vote in November. In particular, Stein’s push for renewable energy and gun-control proposals in particular stood out to Platek.

What does she think about vaccines for more common illnesses such as influenza and pneumococcal?

She, like others, holds a rock-and-a-hard-place mentality when it comes to Trump and Clinton.

“Don’t let Jill Stein on the island”.

After the speech, which Platek spoke glowingly of, her opinion hadn’t changed.

Stein is so green with wealth envy that she would fit in at Kermit the Frog’s family reunions.

“A candidate should have to earn your vote, and Hillary didn’t really try”, he said. But Stein said that even this much boostwill hardly pull low-wage workers out of poverty.

Mickey San Miguel, a volunteer for Green Party U.S. Senate candidate Arn Menconi, walked into the event with a shirt emblazoned with “Feel the Bern”, before changing into campaign gear.

“The Democratic party did not deserve you. Amendment 69 (the Colorado “Medicare for all” proposal) gets us started”.


“Power to Colorado for actually getting the ball rolling”, she said. “She’s a genuine person with a kind heart, not a racist businessman or an ambitious career politician”. But she’s also one of only two candidates with, by historic standards, a chance of winning the White House.

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