
Greitens, Koster win gubernatorial primaries

Greitens, Republican gubernatorial candidate in the state, served four overseas tours in the Navy, including time in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Greitens, a former Democrat who once was considered to run against Republican U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, faces challenges from businessman John Brunner, former Missouri House Speaker Catherine Hanaway and Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder for the Republican nomination.

Greitens won the Missouri primary just days ago, positioning himself as an “outsider” who will “take aim at politics as usual”.

Primary election headlines were dominated Tuesday by the shock toppling of Tea Party-aligned incumbent Kansas Rep. Tim Huelskamp – but flying under the radar was former Navy SEAL officer Eric Greiten’s victory in the crowded GOP race for governor in Missouri.

The buy suggests that in a year with few competitive governor’s races, the Missouri contest is one that is going to attract loads of outside money.

Meanwhile, state Attorney General Chris Koster easily won the Democratic gubernatorial primary over three minor candidates, as expected.

The state Republican Party is planning to bring together the winners and losers from its primaries for an event Thursday in the St. Louis area, hoping to patch over any bruised feelings and put forth a united front for the general election.

He has highlighted his military background and cast himself as a political outsider who would clean up perceived corruption in Jefferson City.

His Republican opponents also questioned whether Greitens truly is conservative. Goguen has denied the allegations.

Greitens’ Republican rivals called on him to return the money, but Greitens said he won’t rush to judgment as the case is pending.

Greitens won the split Republican primary with less than 35 percent of the vote.

“I know what it takes to help veterans and their families get reintegrated here at home”, Greitens said.

Greitens and the other GOP candidates sought to tap into anger among some conservatives about the handling of several racial incidents in the state.


Libertarians have also chosen Cisse Spragins to represent them. And Greitens once was courted by Democrats as a potential candidate.
