
GTA 5 Online: Lowriders Dropping Next Week

On October 20, GTA Online players on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC will get access to Benny’s Original Motor Works, a brand new auto customization shop. Additional customizable parts includes engine blocks, air filters, new paint options, new interiors and all new patterns for the cars. From here, players will be able to pop the hood, trunk and doors of their aut , turn on radio stations, and show off the neon lights while outside the vehicle. And, naturally for lowriders, players can purchase hydraulics systems for the new cars to give them a bit of “bounce”. Moreover, Rockstar has previously stated that future patches may only be available to users of current-gen consoles.


It was exciting when leaked trailer of “GTA 6” was released, but a disappointment that the entire thing is a hoax.

There are also new missions and clothing added with this “Grand Theft Auto 5” update.

According to the announcement from Rockstar, the update also brings two new weapons to the game, which will be available at Ammu-Nation. Unfortunately, Xbox 360 and PS3 players will have to wait and see whether this or a big update like this will come to their platforms.

All told, Lowriders Update seems like another well thought out, will implement upgrades for GTA Online. Rockstar Games thinks so. Enjoy superior stereo performance with a set of new speakers and subs installed at the back of your vehicle . Due to the online success of GTA 5, Rockstar has made a decision to support the game for a longer period of time.


The updates are a nice addition and will be a lot of fun for Xbox One, PC and PS4 owners. The game remains regularly priced in the Xbox Store and PlayStation Store too.

One of the many customization options added by the DLC'Lowrider