
‘Gun activists could stop Hillary’ remark lands Trump in soup… again

Reuters reported that a government official said the Secret Service did not “formally” speak to the Trump campaign.


Secret Service communications director Cathy Mihoan has not confirmed a meeting between the agency, Trump, or his campaign staff.

Trump also lamented the recent federal court ruling that struck down North Carolina voting laws that the court determined targeted African Americans “with nearly surgical precision”.

When Donald Trump floated the idea of assassinating Hillary Clinton yesterday during a rally in North Carolina, the face of one bearded audience member behind the podium captured the same shock and disbelief many of us were feeling.

Mr Trump then added: “The Second Amendment people, maybe there is.I don’t know”. also busted the myth, saying, “Trump may choose not to believe what Clinton says, but the fact is there is no evidence that Clinton wants to “take your guns away” or ‘abolish the Second Amendment.’ She hasn’t said that, and her gun proposals would not do that”.

The Secret Service is aware of the comments made earlier this afternoon.

Alex Hider is a writer for the E.W. Scripps National Desk.

Trump lobbed the allegation midway through his rally at a sports arena, where riled-up supporters shouted obscenities about Clinton and joined in unison shouting “lock her up”.

An August 5-8 Reuters/Ipsos poll found that almost one-fifth of 396 registered Republicans wanted Trump to drop out of the race and another 10 percent said they didn’t know whether he should give up. “And if you are running to be president or if you are president of the United States, words can have tremendous consequences”.

In contrast to Clinton’s emphasis of her opponent’s remarks, Trump barely mentioned the second amendment in his speech in Virginia on Wednesday, referencing it only once as he spoke at a closed event.

Trump has long blamed Obama and his former secretary of state – Clinton – for pursuing Mideast policies that created a power vacuum in Iraq that was exploited by IS, another acronym for the group.

The group aims to use a wave of almost 50 recent endorsements by high-profile Republicans and independents to convince voters to cross party lines. She says all she wants are tougher controls in a country where 13,286 people died from firearms in 2015, a year when 372 mass shootings left 475 people dead and 1,870 wounded.

The Clinton campaign has rejected any accusations, saying in a statement said that none of the emails involved her, but rather dealt with aides who work for her and president Clinton.

In one email a Clinton Foundation lawyer asked for one of its donors Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire who was called a “key guy”, to be connected with officials in the State Department and the former US Ambassador to Lebanon. I don’t know. But – but I’ll tell you what.

“This is a strong political movement, the Second Amendment”, Trump said.


Republican strategist and Trump supporter Ford O’Connell said Trump has “dug himself a deep hole” with voters and to win the election he will need to “make it a referendum on Hillary Clinton and the “rigged system”.

Trump suggests 'second amendment people' could keep Clinton from choosing judges