
Gutfeld: Trump Should’ve Thanked Cruz for the ‘Endorsement’

Cruz refused to back Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during his speech at the RNC last night, which garnered a collective “boo” from the audience.


Addressing supporters Friday morning in Cleveland, Trump insisted he does not want Cruz’s endorsement and re-litigated two of their nastiest clashes from the primaries, both involving members of the Texas senator’s family.

Trump also talked Friday about the endorsement that Cruz denied him Wednesday.

He went on to accuse Cruz of being behind an attack ad targeting Melania Trump that was distributed online by a pro-Cruz political action committee.

Trump also provided a lengthy defense of his injection of Cruz’s wife, Heidi, and father, Rafael, into the primaries this year, retweeting an unflattering photo of Heidi Cruz and giving voice to a conspiracy theory that Rafael Cruz was involved in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.

Missouri Republican Party Chairman John Hancock said he believes that by not endorsing Trump, Cruz may nonetheless have helped rally Republicans behind Trump.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN that he “totally” disagrees with Trump’s suggestion that US support could be conditional, adding on a Facebook Live that North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is “the most successful military alliance in the history of the world”. He said Cruz would have been better off staying away and sending a video message like the one from Florida Sen.

“This is the type of person Cruz is”, Macy said.

But many in the crowd were unsatisfied with his explanations for not endorsing Trump.

“It’s commonplace for politicians to disbelieve their word is their bond, as evidenced by Cruz breaking his promise to endorse his party’s nominee, evidently thinking whilst on the convention stage, ‘At this point, what difference does it make?'” That was an obvious reference to Hillary Clinton’s infamous congressional testimony about Benghazi. “One day, he’ll call you a ‘loser”; the next, a ‘great guy'”. His team then headed to the Hyatt Hotel, where they have been stationed for the convention, for drinks and appetizers.

Cruz then signaled to a man in the back of the room.

Trump won in Virginia, but not by a landslide. “That was a full display last night”.


“I’m just going to tell them my heart”, Cruz responded, according to Roe. Roe had warned Cruz he could be booed as soon as he was introduced, and Roe said it might not be politically wise to field questions from his home-state delegation. “I represent these people and they know me, and some are going to be upset, and you know, if they are, I’m sad that they’re upset, but I’m going to go tell my heart”.

Sen. Ted Cruz R-Tex. addresses the delegates during the third day session of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Wednesday