
GW Experts Available for Comment on Threat From Antibiotic Resistance

To raise awareness of the antibiotic resistance, The World Health Organization has established events named “World Antibiotic Awareness Week”, starting from 16 November until 22 November. This is the first week of its kind and celebrates the excellent work going on here at the University of Birmingham in the Institute of Microbiology and Infection.


In an editorial commenting on the study, Joshua Wolf, MD, of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, in Memphis, Tenn., said the researchers described a concerning future in which prophylactic antibiotics no longer protect patients against life-threatening infections. “It is important to have this conversation not only when the patient feels that they need an antibiotic”.

The number doled out has risen by 6 per cent in four years and doctors are issuing stronger doses for longer periods of time, says Public Health England.

The report said that while overall resistance to key antibiotics used to treat infections has remained constant in E. coli, the fact there are more bloodstream infections means more people have suffered a significant antibiotic-resistant infection. “This will allow our students a glimpse into the global significance of the type of work they are doing”, McCall continued.

The call comes ahead of European Antibiotic Awareness Day next Wednesday, November 18. Antibiotic resistant superbugs have been reported not just in the United States but all over the world and are increasingly causing infections that can not be treated with the so-called “wonder drugs”.

Antibiotic resistance also compromises prevention and the effectiveness of treatments. This resistant bacteria can then travel up the food chain and could be introduced into humans through the consumption of animal products.

“I think the poster is a great way to start conversation between prescribers and their patients about what antibiotic resistance is”, Nichols said. It is partly because patients equate treatment with medication and force the doctors to administer drugs. “There will be activities throughout the week providing more information on the importance of using antibiotics properly”, the statement said. Many others die from conditions that were complicated by an antibiotic-resistant infection.

“Common infections that were treatable may once again kill”, she warned.

What can we do to help?

Antibiotics are essential for treating bacterial diseases, but their misuse can result in the emergence of bacteria resistant to their action, according to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).

· Complete the prescribed course even if you are feeling better. These small things will make a dramatic difference.


Dr Jonathan Pearce, head of infections and immunity at the Medical Research Council, said: “This report reinforces the need for real solutions for antibiotic resistance – it’s a growing problem and it’s right on our doorstep”.

Health Concerns Raised About Antibiotics