
Hacked! Clinton Campaign Admits Campaign Data Compromised

The computer network used by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign was hacked as part of a broad cyber attack on Democratic political organizations, people familiar with the matter told Reuters…


The Justice Department’s national security division is looking into the attacks to the incident, according to a report by Reuters, which broke news of the latest hack on Friday.

Computer systems used by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were hacked on Friday, allegedly by Russian intelligence agencies – the second time in recent weeks that Moscow has been accused of targeting the Democrats ahead of November’s election.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fundraising arm for House Democrats, also said that its systems had been hacked.

CBS News correspondent Marlie Hall reports the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department were investigating the hacking that has shaken up the Democratic Party.

A Clinton campaign aide said hackers had access to the program for five days.

The DNC attack was linked to Russian Federation by a number of private groups, although the U.S. intelligence community has yet to make an official determination. The campaign is also confident that the hack would not have had access to their e-mails or other internal messages.

Many cybersecurity experts and the president said they have little doubt that Russia’s government was the top suspect, and now more information from the Democratic Party could be compromised.

The DCCC is working with federal law-enforcement officers in the investigation, Ms. Kelly said.

The FBI, for its part, released a statement indicating that it was “aware of media reporting on cyber intrusions involving multiple political entities”.

“The cyberthreat environment continues to evolve as cyberactors target all sectors and their data”, the statement continued. Bernie Sanders. As a result of the controversy, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Florida representative, announced her resignation as party chief Sunday.


Mr Trump was this week accused of espionage when he publicly called on Russian Federation to hack Ms Clinton’s emails relating to her time as Secretary of State.

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign hacked